The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Reviving UK Wetlands: A Climate and Ecosystem Solution

Project details

Design Studio Design Studio 3
Year 1

The lack of effective management of wetlands in the UK has led to a concerning degradation of vital ecosystems, exacerbating the process of climate change. Given the crucial role wetlands play in carbon sequestration, water filtration and biodiversity conservation, this project looks into rewilding landscape principles that can be employed to establish a comprehensive wetland framework along the River Thames.

The result: an expansive, improved natural wetland habitat, harboring diverse species that can store
much more carbon in them. Beyond biodiversity, this transformation of a riverside plain into a land that
stores flood water and slows down the water flow serves as a forward-looking solution to urban flooding
concerns, a testament to nature's resilience in the face of climate change impacts.

Riverside Rewilded: A Biodiverse Flood Solution - 2050

The riverside plain rewilded into an enhanced wetland habitat, rich in biodiversity and carbon storage. A nature-based urban flood solution showcases resilience to climate change.

Simulation in Houdini software reveals how natural processes like erosion and sedimentation shape a landscape design over time. This analysis informs the wetlands' design process, highlighting the power of undisturbed nature.

Digital Insights: Nature's Influence on Wetland Design

Simulation in Houdini software reveals how natural processes like erosion and sedimentation shape a landscape design over time. This analysis informs the wetlands' design process, highlighting the power of undisturbed nature.

Physical testing played a crucial role in the project, exploring water's impact on the landscape over time. This study unlocked new design possibilities, such as the creation of beneficial ecosystems like islands by harnessing natural processes.

Innovative Landscape Design Through Hydrological Insights

Physical testing played a crucial role in the project, exploring water's impact on the landscape over time. This study unlocked new design possibilities, such as the creation of beneficial ecosystems like islands by harnessing natural processes.

In 2030, our design strategy brings circular mounds, sculpted cuts and existing features together for an inviting, interactive outdoor landscape. Enjoyment and exploration await!

2030: An Inviting Landscape for Recreation and Exploration

In 2030, our design strategy brings circular mounds, sculpted cuts and existing features together for an inviting, interactive outdoor landscape. Enjoyment and exploration await!

By 2050, after species reintroduction, nature's resurgence transforms the landscape. Diverse plants thrive, and floodwater carves new channels, creating beaver habitats. This harmonious dance between nature and water reduces downstream flood risks.

2050: Nature's Resurgence and Flood Risk Reduction

By 2050, after species reintroduction, nature's resurgence transforms the landscape. Diverse plants thrive, and floodwater carves new channels, creating beaver habitats. This harmonious dance between nature and water reduces downstream flood risks.

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon