The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Rewilding Coastal Landscapes - Saltmarsh Habitats as a Flood Mitigation Probiotic Agent

Project details

Design Studio Design Studio 3
Year 1
  • Landscape Architecture MA Prize

As climate change alters sea levels, the UK’s coastal habitats and agricultural lands face unprecedented threats. Saltmarshes, a rich habitat which are crucial for coastal biodiversity, carbon storage and flood defence are at risk.

Rewilding Coastal Landscapes speculates what coastal landscapes could look like by 2050. With a potential 1-metre sea level rise in 30 years’ time, how can we design a resilient, functional landscape for more than humans?

By restoring saltmarshes, functional landscapes can emerge to address flood protection, carbon capture, and a new floodable agriculture. The project explores high-tech human interventions to low-tech rewilding tactics in shaping the land. The space evolves into a dynamic landscape, facilitating phased interventions, beginning with reshaping the coastal wall to create inland water creeks and saltmarsh habitats. Biodiversity diversifies and evolves, followed by land contouring and reintroducing keystone species and cultivating a new agriculture through harvesting salt-tolerant plants from halophytic pools. This project harmonises the ecosystem with the community as a balanced stewardship for a resilient and biodiverse future landscape.

The image captures the atmosphere of the new intertidal floodable areas. Where crafted saltmarsh dynamic pools host saltmarsh edible plants, embracing sustainability and nourishment. Nature’s restored ecosystem intertwine seamlessly, as functional species are thoughtfully reintroduced. A novel floodable agriculture emerges, weaving harmoniously through the landscape. Here, the past and present form an intricate choreography, a visual narrative which celebrates synergy between rewilding, functionality, and the human connection with a transformed coastal realm.

Tidal Symphony - Exploring the Revived Intertidal Floodable Space

An image showing the atmosphere of intertidal floodable areas. Crafted dynamic pools host salt marsh edible plants. Nature’s restored ecosystem intertwines as novel floodable agriculture emerges, where past and present form an intricate choreography.

Years 0-25+ Phasing of Coastal Area

Years 0-25+ Phasing of Coastal Area

The video offers a captivating glimpse into the phased progression of the project, allowing us to witness the coastal landscape’s transformative journey through seasons and timespans.

The project is envisioned over a 15-year span, unfolding as a dynamic and evolving landscape. This extended duration facilitates meticulously planned phases addressing saltmarsh restoration, enhanced wildlife reintegration, carbons sequestration, and novel halophytic agriculture. Anchored in sea level rise projections, floodable zones are crafted, fostering biodiversity and wave attenuation. This multi-faceted strategy not only enhances the environment but also cultivates a resilient local economy in a climate-vulnerable environment. The design encourages scientific exploration, providing a platform for future climate-responsive functional landscapes.

Seascape Rebirth - The Rewilding Coastal Masterplan

A 15-year span unfolding as a dynamic and evolving landscape. This extended duration facilitates meticulously planned phases addressing saltmarsh restoration, enhanced wildlife reintegration, carbon sequestration, and novel halophytic agriculture.

The sea wall´s strategic demolition unlocks new water creeks, a testament of nature´s resurgence. By perforating and accelerating the degradation of the remaining concrete, a sequence of growth is set in motion, with coir logs aiding sediment retention and fostering saltmarsh plant proliferation. This temporal project, honoring the passage of seasons ant tides, embodies the power of patient rewilding, embracing the harmonious partnership between time and transformation, where the landscape´s evolution becomes a captivating symphony of renewal and adaptability.

The Evolving Rhythms of Coastal Rewilding

Guided by a balance between human intervention and restoring natural processes, coastal rewilding endeavours aim to transform a concrete-dominated shore into a thriving ecosystem.

Coastal rewilding interventions orchestrated by gradually rewilding the landscape. Guided by a balance between human intervention and restoring natural processes, this endeavour aims to transform a concrete-dominated shore into a thriving ecosystem.

Site Model Flooding Exploration

Coastal rewilding interventions orchestrated by gradually rewilding the landscape. Guided by a balance between human intervention and restoring natural processes, this endeavour aims to transform a concrete-dominated shore into a thriving ecosystem.

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon