The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Winspit's Nomadic Nursery - Lowland Calcareous Grassland Restoration

Project details

Student Yuelin Liu
Design Studio Design Studio 5
Year 2
  • Landscape Architecture Environment Prize for Distinguished Work ​in Environmental Design

In the last centuries, an increase in urban construction has permanently altered the natural environment of sites of natural material extraction. Historical and current processes of quarrying reveal the exploitation, codependency, and power dynamic between humans and nature. Dorset’s abandoned quarries present an opportunity to restore lowland calcareous grasslands, reversing the historical and continuous loss of this vital habitat.

The project proposes to transform Winspit Quarry into a nursery to redescribe, utilise, and stabilise past industrial scarring, acting as an anchor to spread habitats in Dorset. It aims to re-introduce native lowland calcareous grasslands, creating a new form of economy.

The project's strategy promotes a return to local materials and natural cycles, converting the migration process of stone and wind dispersal to spreading habitat recolonisation. Tangible and intangible resources like light, wind, vegetation, agriculture, land, material, labour, and biodiversity are utilised. Nurseries facilitate missing ecological and economic interactions, mediating the complex geological, environmental, and material transformation of the post-industrial ruins.

Aerial View of Nomadic Nursery

The Experiential Journey Through the Story of Stone

The Experiential Journey Through the Story of Stone

Historical quarrying processes and traces are transformed into restorative processes, creating an experiential journey for visitors. Capitalising on natural features, different planting areas and biotopes are made to support habitat creation.

Planting Strategy: Planting Palette and Wind Dispersal

Planting Strategy: Planting Palette and Wind Dispersal

A careful selection of native seeds are used as dominant species. With long-term management and a seasonal seed collection and sowing cycles, the habitat can continually expand from the nursery through wind dispersal and growth block migration.

Winspit's “Nomadic Nursery” consists of three stages: an initial nursery based at the Quarry, the migration of seeds and growth block, and the wind dispersal in the National Trust land. Stone remnants are used as medium for new habitat creation.

Masterplan of Nomadic Nursery

Winspit's “Nomadic Nursery” consists of three stages: an initial nursery based at the Quarry, the migration of seeds and growth block, and the wind dispersal in the National Trust land. Stone remnants are used as medium for new habitat creation.

Design Iterations and Test through Models

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon