The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Garden Diary: Water Detention Landscape

Project details

Design Studio Design Studio 6
Year 1

This project proposes the idea of creating spatial sequences of biofiltration gardens and rain gardens based on the site topography of the Middle Rhine Valley, the direction of surface runoff that predicts the direction of contamination spread, and the area where the water can potentially be collected.

The site will function as an experimental and educational venue, where people can learn about how the contaminated water is treated both mechanically by the sewage plant and naturally by the rain gardens.

The site is around a 1.5-hour walk from central Cologne, Germany, at a critical intersection of the Rhine River, farmland, the sewage plant, and the residential community.

Context Mapping Of The Middle Rhine Catchment

The site is around a 1.5-hour walk from central Cologne, Germany, at a critical intersection of the Rhine River, farmland, the sewage plant, and the residential community.

The buffer zone collects contamination from surrounding areas, including wastewater and surface runoff, which turns the site into a potential bio-filtration connection.

Site Mapping Of Cologne, Germany

The buffer zone collects contamination from surrounding areas, including wastewater and surface runoff, which turns the site into a potential bio-filtration connection.

Public Engagement and Construction Process Of The Rain Garden

In spring, schools are encouraged to participate in the planting festival to learn about the workflow of the rain garden. In summer, people to the site to celebrate flowering plants. And in autumn, harvesting takes place in the farmland nearby.

Seasonal Activities In The Rain Gardens

In spring, schools are encouraged to participate in the planting festival to learn about the workflow of the rain garden. In summer, people to the site to celebrate flowering plants. And in autumn, harvesting takes place in the farmland nearby.

Designed topography blocks overflow surface runoff into the rain gardens, which maximises the functions of the rain gardens to retain and purify water.

Secondary Purification Zone

Designed topography blocks overflow surface runoff into the rain gardens, which maximises the functions of the rain gardens to retain and purify water.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon