The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Lead by Hedgerow - New Landmark on the Pilgrimage Road

Project details

Design Studio Design Studio 7
Year 1

The Via Francigena is an ancient road and pilgrimage route running from the cathedral city of Canterbury in England, through France and Switzerland, to Rome and then to Puglia, Italy. Today some pilgrims still follow in Sigeric's ancient footsteps (Archbishop of Canterbury from 990 to 994) and travel on foot, on horseback or by bicycle on the Via Francigena.

This project explores the concept of “the follower” to give the traveller an insight into the history and future of the road. On the one hand, it allows the traveller to experience the sense of hardship when Willibald first opened up the road, a difficult and frozen history. On the other hand, through the growth of the characteristic landscape, the traveller is given a sense of the countless incense-bearers who will walk with them through the ages, symbolising a vibrant future.

The design takes into account the historical and cultural significance of the site, as well as the role of the hedge in preserving biodiversity and improving the environment, and creates a landmark for the pilgrimage path through landscapes, guiding the traveller along the way so that the road is always vibrant and never forgotten.

Hedgerows planted beside the pilgrimage road in site selection, shaping the terrain and the setting of the bird-watching platform.

Site Design Strategy and Hedgerows in Different Design Areas

Hedgerows planted beside the pilgrimage road in site selection, shaping the terrain and the setting of the bird-watching platform.

Shrubs restoration and implantation, land excavation and raising, tourism and agricultural activities.

Phasing of Design Strategy

Shrubs restoration and implantation, land excavation and raising, tourism and agricultural activities.

Masterplan of the Site and Detailed Design Plan

New pathways, precipitation collection ponds, slope shaping and bird-watching platforms after design.

Scenario after Site Design - Section View

New pathways, precipitation collection ponds, slope shaping and bird-watching platforms after design.

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon