The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



Reviving Cities, Reclaiming Nature

Project details

Design Studio Design Studio 8
Year 1

The Stoke-on-Trent pottery industry holds a rich history and has played a significant role in the development of the city. Stoke-on-Trent, often referred to as "The Potteries," is renowned for its production of ceramic wares and has been a hub of pottery manufacturing for centuries. The Longport area, in particular, holds great importance in the pottery industry of Stoke-on-Trent.

This project will undertake the challenge of designing a landscape along the Trent and Mersey Canal at the 1900s kiln relic site in Stoke-on-Trent. This explores the opportunity of integrating this relic site into a new ribbon of public space, proposing three main phases including a revived heritage block, an urban leisure park, and an open ground for market activities, based on the protection and utilisation of the heritage of ceramic industry.

By embracing the past and embracing the future, this endeavour aims to contribute to the revitalisation and cultural enrichment of the area, attracting visitors and fostering a sense of community pride.

Experimental endeavours have been undertaken to apply plant observation and botanical dyeing techniques, employing the method of transfer to momentarily suspend the passage of time and capture transient site characteristics.

Dying Techniques

Experimental endeavours have been undertaken to apply plant observation and botanical dyeing techniques, employing the method of transfer to momentarily suspend the passage of time and capture transient site characteristics.

In the delicate space that unfurls between the heritage relics, nature reclaims its rightful place, delicately intertwining with the architectural remnants.

Plan Drawings

In the delicate space that unfurls between the heritage relics, nature reclaims its rightful place, delicately intertwining with the architectural remnants.

Rowe's notion of the "Collage City" suggests that cities should be conceived as collages, comprised of diverse historical layers and styles. Fabric manipulation in design involves manipulating different materials and textures to shape the landscape.

Strategic Design: Fabric Manipulation

Rowe's notion of the "Collage City" suggests that cities should be conceived as collages, comprised of diverse historical layers and styles. Fabric manipulation in design involves manipulating different materials and textures to shape the landscape.

The project aims to seamlessly integrate the site into a new and vibrant public space. The design proposal outlines three main phases that aim to preserve the heritage of the ceramic industry while providing engaging experiences for the public.


The project aims to seamlessly integrate the site into a new and vibrant public space. The design proposal outlines three main phases that aim to preserve the heritage of the ceramic industry while providing engaging experiences for the public.

The first phase artfully revives the architectural grandeur of the heritage block, breathing life into its weathered walls. Here, the ancient kiln's vestiges find solace in meticulous restoration, becoming a poignant symbol of cultural preservation.

A Tapestry Unveiled: Nature Reclaims the Edge

The first phase artfully revives the architectural grandeur of the heritage block, breathing life into its weathered walls. Here, the ancient kiln's vestiges find solace in meticulous restoration, becoming a poignant symbol of cultural preservation.

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon