The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
About the show



The Audible Socio-Cultural Rhythms of Kampung Kemlayan, Solo

Project details

Year 1

The city of Solo possesses an integrated socio-cultural structure, largely attributed to the presence of kampungs. Among these, Kampung Kemlayan stands out as a cultural hub where arts and artists have emerged and flourished, playing significant roles in the dynamic socio-cultural ecosystems of Solo.

Considering the audibility of cultural and social aspects within urban spaces, it becomes possible to delve into the socio-cultural rhythms of Solo, with a particular focus on Kampung Kemlayan. These audible layers range from soft to loud, calm to violent, natural to artificial and organic to fabricated.

By developing a comprehensive set of techniques that enable the construction, deconstruction and reconstruction of audible elements, we can uncover neglected audible traces. These traces may serve as a means to discover approaches for creating more equitable living spaces.

Uncover to Discover: A Comprehensive Website of the Research Project

Uncover to Discover: A Comprehensive Website of the Research Project

Website incorporating audible elements, covering a wide range of categories. It invites users to delve into the story of Solo in sequential order and illustrates the sense of socio-cultural rhythms of kampung Kemlayan.

Video: The city of Solo and its Historical Urban Transformations. 

Video: The city of Solo and its Historical Urban Transformations. 

In the 19th and 20th centuries, culture was instrumentalised to achieve multiple agendas, acting as the symbol of royal establishment and as a political tool.

The Audible Socio-Cultural Rhythms of Kampung Kemlayan Urban Space in Solo

The Audible Socio-Cultural Rhythms of Kampung Kemlayan Urban Space in Solo

This film aims to capture the valuable stories of the kampung Kemlayan's urban community, uncovering its neglected audible traces. Through this film, we invite you to observe, raise questions, and articulate muted aspects within the urban space.

Uncover to Discover: Kampung Kemlayan 3D Model and Visualisations

Uncover to Discover: Kampung Kemlayan 3D Model and Visualisations

The socio-cultural relationships can be seen from how the society centralised the artistic and cultural activities in the spaces in which the supporting equipment for artistic activity was available.

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The Bartlett
Autumn Show 2023
26 September – 6 October
Coming soon